
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
ZODIAC: A TO Z - EP. #14 - UNSUB: Part 3 - The Signature
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
The Zodiac’s true motives remain unknown, but the study of his crimes reveals his signature. While some murderers may vary their methods of operation, a killer’s choices, actions, and words reflect his needs– even when he attempts to deceive and even when he does not realize that he is doing so. In this sense, the killer’s crimes will reveal his psychological fingerprint.
Written and produced by Michael Butterfield for ZodiacKillerFacts.com / Copyright 2022
Voice of "The Zodiac" by John Kniight.
This episode includes dramatic readings.
All music licensed and used by permission. “Run and Hide” and “Frozen Orb” composed and produced by Jens Kiilstofte. “Ghost” and “Creepy Piano Loop” composed and produced by JM Scherf. “Growing Shadows” created by Myuu. Provided by Mediacharge.

Friday Sep 03, 2021
ZODIAC: A TO Z - EP. #13 - UNSUB: Part 2 - The Profile
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Decades after he terrified citizens with his shocking crimes and bizarre letters, the Zodiac is known as one of the most enigmatic serial killers in modern history. His motives are unknown, although many people have offered various theories to explain his behavior. Attempts to create a psychological profile often rely on speculation based on our knowledge of other killers, and experts struggle to comprehend the mind of the Zodiac. This episode examines various theories about the killer’s motives and personality.
Written and produced by Michael Butterfield for ZodiacKillerFacts.com / Copyright 2021
Voice of "The Zodiac" by John Knight
This episode includes dramatic readings.
All music licensed and used by permission. “Run and Hide” and “Frozen Orb” composed and produced by Jens Kiilstofte. “Ghost” and “Creepy Piano Loop” composed and produced by JM Scherf. “Growing Shadows” created by Myuu. Provided by Mediacharge.

Monday Aug 02, 2021
ZODIAC: A TO Z - EP. #12 - UNSUB: Part 1 - The Description
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
The varying descriptions of the Zodiac have created confusion and fueled debate. Some eyewitnesses described the killer as short as 5'8" tall while others said he was approximately 6' tall. One witness thought the Zodiac weighed approximately 180 lbs. while another said he may have been as heavy as 250 lbs. Some estimates of the killer's age ranged from mid-thirties to late-forties. The now-infamous sketch produced by the San Francisco Police Department remains the only representation of the Zodiac’s face, although some people question the accuracy of that depiction. The issue was further complicated by theorists who claimed that their suspects matched the physical description of the killer. This episode examines the eyewitness descriptions and the efforts to create a portrait of the Zodiac.
Written and produced by Michael Butterfield for ZodiacKillerFacts.com / Copyright 2021
Voice of "The Zodiac" by John Knight
All music licensed and used by permission. “Run and Hide” and “Frozen Orb” composed and produced by Jens Kiilstofte. “Ghost” and “Creepy Piano Loop” composed and produced by JM Scherf. “Growing Shadows” created by Myuu. Provided by Mediacharge.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
ZODIAC: A TO Z - Zodiac Ciphers: Deconstructing Solutions
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and other news outlets ran stories about a French engineer who claims that he has solved the Zodiac’s remaining ciphers, known as the Z13 and the Z32. The newly-proposed solutions point to long-time suspect Larry Kane and indicate a connection to a suspected Zodiac postcard and a possible victim who disappeared in 1970. These claims may seem compelling but the facts reveal many problems with the methods used to produce these solutions. Including audio clips with Harvey Hines, Mike Morford (ZodiacKillerSite.net), and David Oranchak (ZodiacKillerCiphers.com).
Written and produced by Michael Butterfield for ZodiacKillerFacts.com / Copyright 2021
All music licensed and used by permission. “Run and Hide” and “Frozen Orb” composed and produced by Jens Kiilstofte. “Ghost” and “Creepy Piano Loop” composed and produced by JM Scherf. “Growing Shadows” created by Myuu. Provided by Mediacharge.

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
ENCORE BONUS CLIP - The Zodiac/Manson Conspiracy: Debunked
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
According to one persistent theory, authorities discovered evidence proving that Charles Manson and his infamous “family” of killers were responsible for the Zodiac murders but this evidence was withheld and suppressed for various reasons. The facts tell a very different story in this encore presentation of a segment from the previous episode “10 Zodiac Killer Myths: Debunked.” Featuring: Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi.
Read the article: “ConspiraZ Theory” - https://zodiackillerfacts.com/zodiac-theories/zodiac-theories/the-zodiac-cover-ups-conspiracies/conspiraz-theory/
Written and produced by Michael Butterfield for ZodiacKillerFacts.com / Copyright 2021
All music licensed and used by permission. “Creepy Piano Loop” composed and produced by JM Scherf.

Monday Jun 28, 2021
ZODIAC: A TO Z - The Devil Rides Out: Part 2
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
In the syndicated tabloid TV show Now It Can Be Told, Geraldo Rivera and Maury Terry claimed the evidence indicated that Zodiac victim Darlene Ferrin was targeted for death by members of a satanic cult. Terry also claimed that satanists were responsible for the 'Son of Sam' shootings in New York and other crimes across America. This theory of a nationwide network of satanic killers has become a popular myth, but the facts reveal the many problems with the conspiracy theories in both the 'Son of Sam' and Zodiac cases.
Written and produced by MICHAEL BUTTERFIELD for ZodiacKillerFacts.com / Copyright 2021
Voice of "The Zodiac" by John Knight
All music licensed and used by permission. “Run and Hide” and “Frozen Orb” composed and produced by Jens Kiilstofte. “Ghost” and “Creepy Piano Loop” composed and produced by JM Scherf. “Growing Shadows” created by Myuu. Provided by Mediacharge.

Saturday Jun 12, 2021
ZODIAC: A TO Z - The Devil Rides Out: Part 1
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Over the decades, persistent theories claimed that the Zodiac crimes were part of a conspiracy orchestrated by members of a satanic cult. One of the proponents of this theory was Maury Terry, a writer who became famous for his claims that the Son of Sam murders in New York were part of a satanic conspiracy. Now, the new documentary series on Netflix inspired by Terry’s claims titled “Sons of Sam” has renewed interest in satanic conspiracy theories. In the syndicated tabloid TV show Now It Can Be Told, Geraldo Rivera and Maury Terry claimed the evidence indicated that a satanic cult was also behind the Zodiac murders, but, as usual, the facts tell a very different story.
Written and produced by MICHAEL BUTTERFIELD for ZodiacKillerFacts.com / Copyright 2021
All music licensed and used by permission. “Run and Hide” and “Frozen Orb” composed and produced by Jens Kiilstofte. “Ghost” and “Creepy Piano Loop” composed and produced by JM Scherf. “Growing Shadows” created by Myuu. Provided by Mediacharge.

Friday May 21, 2021
ZODIAC: A TO Z - Connections
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
This episode of the ZODIAC: A TO Z podcast examines two questions: Was there any connection between the Zodiac victims? Was the Zodiac a police officer or somehow involved in law enforcement? Some theories may seem like compelling explanations, but the facts tell a very different story.
Written and produced by MICHAEL BUTTERFIELD for ZodiacKillerFacts.com / Copyright 2021
Voice of The Zodiac by John Knight
All music licensed and used by permission. “Run and Hide” and “Frozen Orb” composed and produced by Jens Kiilstofte. “Ghost” and “Creepy Piano Loop” composed and produced by JM Scherf. “Growing Shadows” created by Myuu. Provided by Mediacharge.

Monday May 03, 2021
ZODIAC: A TO Z - Puzzling Questions
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
This episode examines puzzling questions, including: Did two or more suspects commit the Zodiac crimes together? Was Arthur Leigh Allen the Zodiac? Why did police interview Allen shortly before the last known Zodiac murder? Will authorities discover “Zodiac DNA” which could finally solve the case? If so, what are some possible endgame scenarios? Was the Zodiac responsible for the murder of Cheri Jo Bates in Riverside and the strange writings associated with that unsolved case? Did the Zodiac keep “trophies” to help him relive the crimes?
Written and produced by Michael Butterfield for ZodiacKillerFacts.com / Copyright 2021
All music licensed and used by permission. “Run and Hide” and “Frozen Orb” composed and produced by Jens Kiilstofte. “Ghost” composed and produced by JM Scherf. “Growing Shadows” created by Myuu. Provided by Mediacharge.
Send questions and comments to contact@zodiackillerfacts.com

Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
On March 24th, 2019, I joined a discussion panel assembled at the "Death Becomes Us" true crime festival in New York for a live bonus episode of the Monster podcast titled MONSTER: From Atlanta to the Zodiac, with producer/narrator Matt Frederick, producer/host Payne Lindsey, executive producer Donald Albright, and producer Meredith Stedman. The first segment focused on the Zodiac mystery while the second examined the controversial case of the Atlanta child murders. In this bonus audio clip of the Q&A session, I was asked about the issues surrounding the growing interest in true crime stories, including standards and ethics in reporting.
Recorded live at the "Death Becomes Us" true crime festival at the Gramercy Theatre in New York City
This audio clip was obtained from a recording with some audio issues.
Posted for ZodiacKillerFacts.com